Reiki Master
Energy Healer
Natural Horsewoman
Animal Communicator
Natural Nutrition Consultant
Reiki Master
Energy Healer
Natural Horsewoman
Animal Communicator
Natural Nutrition Consultant
©2009 Brooke Baxter
All information shared on the website, in workshops and in private consultations are meant to facilitate health, balance and well-being in an animal. All written materials, lectures, discussions, questions and answers, references to other modalities, products and practitioners are all ways in which information may be furnished in workshops and consultations. At no time is this information meant to be a replacement for traditional medical care, veterinary treatment or a medical diagnosis for illness or injury.
Refer to a licensed medical or veterinary practitioner for medical care and to appropriate professionals for the service you are seeking.
All information shared on the website, in workshops and in private consultations is meant to facilitate health, balance and well-being in an animal. All written materials, lectures, discussions, questions and answers, references to other modalities, products and practitioners are ways in which information may be furnished in workshops and consultations. At no time is this information meant to be a replacement for traditional medical care, veterinary treatment or a medical diagnosis for illness or injury.
Refer to a licensed medical or veterinary practitioner for medical care and to appropriate professionals for the service you are seeking.