Please contact us for more details and to schedule an appointment with Brooke.
Brooke offers Animal Communication classes, including comprehensive coursework and mentoring for certification. Contact us for information, dates and locations, or to set up a class or series in your area.
October 22, 2021
All animals communicate through images, thoughts, sensations and memories.
Humans are animals, too.
Join us for an introductory workshop on animal communication and the skills behind non-verbal, energetic and telepathic connection. Whether you are a veterinary professional, a pet owner, an animal lover or someone who seeks a deeper connection with all life, this is an opportunity to expand your awareness and step across language and species barriers.
As a group, we will discuss and experiment with techniques to facilitate greater understanding and deeper bonds between humans and animals, examining questions such as:
What is animal communication?
How does it work?
Can everyone communicate with animals?
In addition, we will touch on distance communication, problem solving, wellness and other applications of animal communication, along with ways in which non-verbal language can bring profound meaning to our lives and relationships.
Please bring photo(s) of animal(s) with whom you would like to communicate, along with note-taking supplies, a mask and something comfortable to sit on. We will gather in a well-spaced circle. Avoid caffeine and heavy meals immediately before the workshop.
Date: October 22, 2021 from 11am to 12:30pm
Location: 792 Route 35, Cross River, NY 10518
Cost: $50.
Space is limited. Contact Brooke to register.
©2021 Brooke Baxter